A Word From the Director
Greetings to all campers, camp family, and alumni.
I am honoured and blessed to be appointed as the new Camp Director for Camp Pugwash.
My name is Adrian Jones, and I was born and raised in Ontario. Just to say a little about myself; I love God. I believe there is nothing that can compare to knowing Him and experiencing His goodness. David said it best when he wrote, “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.” There is no better place to be but in the secure love of God.
After graduating from Kingsway College, I pursued a music program at Mohawk College in Ontario. It was during these years that God impressed on my heart ot pursue ministry. After completing my schooling in Jazz Piano, I was led to the Theology program at Andrews University. I never thought of myself as someone with special skills who God called to do ministry. Frankly, I was still myself, and thought that everyone should be doing what I am doing. In short, what I’ve learned throughout my experience so far is that God calls ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things through the.
With that being said, being a pastor of 2 churches and being a summer camp director, just points to God’s ability to do anything through anybody who gives themselves to Him.
My vision for Camp Pugwash is for people to truly have an encounter with Jesus. As the Bible shows, when people come into contact with Him, lives are changed.
So if you are a camper, an alumni, or just some human being who wants to embrace God’s mission, then I invite you to be a part of the Cmap Pugwash team, and see God work.
Our Goal
It is our goal to provide every camper with an experience that supports social and physical growth in a positive Christian atmosphere. The program is designed to assist campers in developing life skills and self-confidence by promoting sportsmanship, emphasizing teamwork, teaching responsibility and building self-esteem. Camp Pugwash is staffed with carefully selected Christian young adults, sensitive to the needs of the individual camper. All counselors are first aid trained and certified.
Why Camp Pugwash?
Camp Pugwash is a perfect choice for first time campers, or the camper wanting a concentrated camp experience. Campers may express their creativity in the craft building, splash in the swimming area, enjoy the water sports experience, care for the horses, try their hand at Archery, Adventure Challenge, or Rocketry, along with enjoying campfires, outdoor games and activities.

Thank you to all those who have supported and committed themselves to this wonderful ministry.